Psychokiwi Boxes NZ Letterboxing Disclaimer Print Friendly Email Us


Letterboxing, like any outdoor sport, carries the risk of unforeseen hazards. Team Psychokiwi supports a policy of not knowingly placing letterboxes in areas that will create undue risk to the letterbox hunter. However, as conditions may vary, it is the responsibility of the letterbox searcher to become thoroughly familiar with the conditions in the area to be searched, to adequately prepare for those conditions, and to conduct oneself safely and responsibly with respect to those conditions and with respect to his or her personal abilities and limitations. Team Psychokiwi assume no liability for events which may occur related directly or indirectly to one's searching for a letterbox.

Do not let children hunt for letterboxes unsupervised.

By reading and utilizing the letterbox clues posted on this web site, you acknowledge the above conditions, and accept responsibility for your own actions, and agree to hold non-liable the clue writers, website authors, and letterboxing organizations and further, agree to provide this disclaimer to any person with whom you share these letterbox clues.

(Based on the Letterboxing North America Waiver).

Monday, 27 September 2004 05:00 PM

Team Psychokiwi P57F502X138
Generic Copyright Statement, © 2002 - 2011.
All rights reserved.

Before you set out, please read the waiver of responsibility and disclaimer.