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The Stewart Island Kiwi

Stewart Island, New Zealand

Clues and placement by Team Krazy Kea, January 2005.
Box, stamp, and book by Team Psychokiwi.

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Fa_ing t_e sea at th_ Ob__ wat_rfr_nt, t_k_ _he r__d to t_e r_g_t pa_t Lon__k_rs_B_ach to A_k_rs P_int. At _he _op of t_e _ill t_k_ _he co_st_l r_ad _assing Le_sk Ba_. At _h_ e_d of _he r__d, fo_l_w _he we_l-fo_m_d pat_ t_wa_ds A_k_rs P_int Lig_th_o_se. Sho_tly yo_ wi_l c_me t_ a _ath to t_e l_ft to A_k_ers St_n_ Co_t_ge, a wor__wh_le s_ort d_to_r _o s_e _ne of th_ o_d_st bui_di_gs in NZ b_ilt in 1835.

R_tur_ning t_ th_ ma_n pa_h, c_nt_nu_ pa_t Fish_rma_’s P_int l__k_ut t_ an u_n_med l__k_ut p_int _n _our l_ft w_th a fe_ s_eps _own to a se_t. Fro_ her_ _he pat_ f_lls _hen r_ses int_ an ar_a of ro_ks on b_th s_des of t_e tr__k. In _his r__ky ar_a it dr_ps sl_g_tly a_d ju_t as it st_rts to r_se ag_in, on _he r_g_t t_ere is a l_rge r_ck w_th a tr_e le_ni_g ov_r _he pat_ _hat h_s a fo_r-br_nch_d st_m ( a div_ricat_ng copr_sma). A ro_t _f th_ tr_e _s gr_win_ fr_m th_ bo_t_m corn_r _f _he r_ck ab_ut ch_st h_ig_t. T_is is 62 p_ces fro_ _he un_am_d l__k_ut.

The_e is a sma_l ro_k in _he g_p b_tw_en t_e l_rge ro_k an_ th_ ro_t. T_e b_x is in _he h_llow f_rmed by th_ l_rge ro_k _nd r__t, und_r t_is sm_ll ro_k.

_f _ou re_ch th_ t_p _f _he sl_pe a_d st_rt a l_ng g_ntle do_nhi_l yo_ _ave gon_ t_o f_r.

From here, continue to the end of the path and Ackers Point Lighthouse with extensive views over Foveaux Strait and the islands. There are sooty shearwater (muttonbird) burrows on the headland and, in summer, this is a good place to see them returning at dusk to their burrows. Return by the same route but you can follow the road signs to visit Evening Cove and Ringaringa Beach on the way back to Oban if you wish.

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Thursday, 29 November 2007 09:58 PM

Team Psychokiwi P57F502X138
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