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Letterboxing with
The Leader of the Pack


Sit and Relax

Mansfield 300 Celebration
Planted 7-23-02 by Leader of the Pack and Cowboy

At Eagleville Preserve an easy walk

In this year of 1918 the mill here at Eagleville is buzzing with activity. So much of the tightly woven cotton is stacked ready for shipment. It is important work producing the cotton wing cover material for the war effort. War planes await this material at the factory so they may fly in our defense. Shifts come and go and the long hours of the workers are clocked by, as the water races through the mills powering the whirring looms. When the shift ends the weary workers walk home. A few of the young folks linger to talk. A young couple strolls off hand in hand down the river for a few moments before home to chores. To steal away just a few peaceful moments after the work day to plan their wedding and talk without the rumble of machinery. They wander downstream to a quiet spot and sit and relax for a few minutes. But, twilight comes to interrupt their meeting and they must hurry home to help with the chores before dinner. They, will meet here tomorrow to finish making plans for their bright future.

From rte 32 in Mansfield turn onto Rte 275 At Eagleville. Next drive into the village and under the railroad pass. Park in the spaces to the right next to the mill dam. Cross the street carefully and enter the Eagleville preserve. Most travelers go to the left and follow the trail to another letterbox. Our young lovers went to the right and followed the fisherman’s path along the edge of the river. They looked back upon the falls and went on down the river. After just a few minutes they came to several large boulders , and the junction of a smaller brook feeding into the river. Turn left here on a faint path to a down tree pointing into the brook. Under the trunk lies a memory of the mill workers whose future was bright and cheery as they worked in the war effort. Please stamp and re seal the box tightly. Hide again . be sure it can’t be seen from either side of the log. Tarry here if others are by and be sure you are not seen retrieving your reward.


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Webpage prepared by Psychokiwi Ink
Last updated Wednesday October 12, 2005 02:11 PM

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