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Letterboxing with
The Leader of the Pack


The Rock Climber Letterbox

Planted 3/28/03

By: Leader of the Pack, Pink Trotters, Cowboy and Cody

Rated: easy- med.


WARNING: Cliff area hold kids hands and leash dogs


Getting There: Rte 195 in Mansfield to the Historical Society in the old Town Hall building  park in rear and enter the blue trail. Follow clues to these other great boxes, Bed Rug, Inherit the Earth and Vermont Quarter. Plane Spotter is back near the building.  The trail wanders  down through the woods after the bridge it turns right to go out to the fifty foot cliff and beautiful view. Like other boxes in the area you should do the same. Enjoy the view but keep the kids safe! Now to find the rock climber ……

     The rock climber had come out the trail on a sunny spring day to practice his technique. Over his shoulder were the coils of ropes  and around his waist a variety of Bolle clips were fastened. He carried a small pack with his gloves and picks and other tools of the sport. His water bottle swung freely on a strap and  a small book on rock climbing sites was stuffed into the pocket of his brown  climbing pants. The swish of  his pants the only sound on the trail that day as he hiked.  When he passed the cliff, he was startled by the passing of a large flock of turkeys trotting along.  After their chance meeting he continued on soon realizing he had dropped his book. He went back to the trail to look and began at the overlook.

     From the view continue on the trail that leads down and around the cliff . At the first double blue  stop. While facing the double blue take a reading of 20 degrees. That is where the Rock Climber dropped a piece of his equipment. Be sure to replace it well hidden as this is a busy trail for rock climbers and others alike. 


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Last updated Wednesday October 12, 2005 02:11 PM

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