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Letterboxing with
The Leader of the Pack


Pumped Up Letterbox

Hale Forest, South St. Coventry, Ct.

Planted 10/7/02

By Leader of the Pack and Pink Trotters

Rated: Easy; add on to Revolutionary War Women by Irishtinker

“Papa Papa , the boys said you were going to war and I was going to do all the chores myself!”

Well , those boys spoke out of turn but here is the way it is. You have heard all the talk of Revolution. Fighting England so we will be free of her taxes and all the talk so frequent after meeting on Sunday. It is all true and a scary thing to think about, but so necessary for our family to support and believe . It will make Coventry and Connecticut a better place to live and raise a family. With all war comes sacrifice. Unfortunately even young girls will find the war at their feet one day and we must be prepared. This is what the boys and I have been working on . You Rebecca will be burdened with heavier load of work here when and if we are called to battle so some preparations are made. First we finished the night-yard for the livestock, if British troops move through the area you will want to keep the livestock close and try not to let them take any. This will also protect them at night. We have gathered a large hay crop and the loft of the barn is full . We have added a new fenced pasture so next spring there will be enough grass for these animals and the ones expected to be born . You must keep them well fed if we are to survive another year. I have purchased a gun to leave here at the house. They are very hard to come by and you must keep it hidden if the British soldiers are in the area. It is for your protection and for hunting but use the shot sparingly. Lastly and this surprise is for your mother mostly I have the wood for a well sweep ready and we will finish it after the Sabbath passes. “ “ Papa, a well sweep! mother will be so excited” .

The well sweep was erected and Rebecca Strong ( later Hale) was able to pull the long staff down and lower a bucket into the well for water. As the staff rested in the Y of a large tree the weight and balance would easily lift the bucket to the surface. Look in the Strong-Porter yard for the Well sweep. The century passed and the sweep served its purpose. Across the street and down the lane another well was dug as a water source. It was a subsequent generation who’s eyes gleamed when their Papa brought home a new pump from the village store and with the pull of a handle the water spewed forth. This made getting water even easier than in Rebecca’s day. So when ever you see a well or enjoy fresh water think of the work our ancestors did just to draw it forth from the land. Down the lane ,(opposite the Strong-Porter museum) of Revolutionary War Women and follow the clues After box 5 of that series or from a few paces on past the great oak look for the tile of a modern well. ( CAREFUL there is NO COVER!) From the left side of the well tile area I took a reading of 100 degrees and walked the 25 paces to a pine and wall. Here between the two is the Pumped Up letterbox sign and stamp and be sure to seal box tight before hiding again in the same spot.

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Last updated Wednesday October 12, 2005 02:11 PM

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